Monday, July 13, 2009

What Condition My Condition Was In

While searching for shoes on line I came across FootSmart, an on line shoe store. They carry not only shoes but also orthotics and other health-related devices. While putting in the parameters for what type of shoe I was looking for, I found a list of "medical problems" under the heading "Conditions." Included in that list was wide feet. Go figure that my wide feet are a medical condition! Then I looked further and found wide calves listed as a medical condition. I am a double winner! Apparently I had medical conditions that I was totally clueless about. I am wondering now if I should include these conditions when I fill out my medical history. What happens if I change insurance and I am asked about pre-existing conditions. Do I include wide feet and wide calves?

What about a 12 step support group? If I admit I am powerless over my wide feet and that finding shoes is next to impossible, have I completed the 1st step? I could then move on to admitting the exact nature of my wrongs trying to wedge my E width feet into D width shoes. I am sure the next person who tries those shoes on would appreciate my amends. Finally I could practice the 12th and final step by sharing my experience, strength and hope with others who are early in their acceptance of their condition.

Donna B