Thursday, July 30, 2009


I struggle terrible with my weight, the self image or lack there of that comes with that and the huge fear that if I take my eye off the prize I will be over 300 pounds by Christmas. Whom am I kidding? I could be there by Thanksgiving. What a great thing to be good at!

There was an old song by a country western singer that was called "I was Country Before Country Was Cool." I changed the words to "I Was Chunky Before Chunky Was Cool." Look all around us today. The news is full of how obesity is rampant. Have you been to Wal-Mart lately? What is the deal with that? Sometimes I have gone in and instead of senior discount day, I think it is fat people day. Then I have to ask myself, what does that say about me, since I am in the store?

The majority of us are overweight. I used to be the unique one. No more. Now I have to share that achievement with others. Life is just not fair. Why can't I be better at just one thing than all the others?

I think eventually, we will have a realty show called "The Biggest Gainer." Never mind who can lose weight. Anyone can do that if you have a trainer to wear your fat butt out every day, starve you to death, or whatever. Look at Oprah. We always hear about who is helping her lose weight. Ever hear anyone talking about who helped her gain it back? Stedman never gets the blame. No big headline in National Enquirer screaming that Stedman stuffed Oprah full of Twinkies. Zip. Nada. Nothing.

Who knew that I was a child prodigy? The only problem was, it was in weight gain. So when you are watching the Biggest Loser, or the newest Fox show about fat girls dating the fat guy; remember that we are one step closer to the Biggest Gainer and I am betting there would be a line around the block to be one of the contestants.

Donna B

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