Wednesday, February 17, 2010


"God answered our prayers." What does that truly mean? If I pray to God for the miracle of healing but that is not the outcome, does that mean God chose not to answer my prayer? What does that say about me? If someone prays for the health of their child and that child dies, does that mean God did not find that child worthy of saving?

When we read that someone's prayers were answered what does that mean for the rest of us? Could it possibly mean that God is there for us despite what our outcome is? Could it mean that by walking through what we walk through, God is using us in a grander fashion than the miracle receiver? I truly believe that God can perform the miracle of healing but I also truly believe that if healing is not the plan, that the same God can provide the courage and strength we need to accept what life brings us and provides us opportunity to be an instrument of his peace.

There is not a single one of us who would not expect and want to be healed from what afflicts us. Those afflictions can cover physical health, mental health; even economic health. I would never ever believe that it is too much to ask for a miracle and that I deserve that miracle as much as anyone else, but the reality is that if miracles occurred every time we asked, then is it truly a miracle? I am special, but am I any more special than my neighbor? I believe that is what has always led me to never ask "Why me?" When I ask that question I suggest that someone else should have this. Who would wish that on anyone?

So, the next time you want to say "God answered my prayer" stop and think what that statement truly means for yourself and others. When you pray for someone and the outcome is not what you had hoped for, then look for the meaning in that. If the answer is not what you expected, then look for the opportunities that God has provided, through the answer He has given.

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