Thursday, May 6, 2010

Stop the Presses!! A Rich White Girl Has Been Murdered

Tragic. Yeardly Love is murdered by a rich white guy who attends a top drawer university and the world comes to a halt. It is tragic that this young woman died at the hands of her obviously quite psycho ex-boyfriend. But, is it any less tragic when a poor woman of color is murdered by her equally psycho, but less well off, ex-boyfriend?

Every national news organization has carried the story. Women are murdered every day by their abusive ex's and it never makes the Today Show. But, take an affluent, attractive woman from a good school and have her murdered by her equally attractive, affluent ex, and we have national news.

Where are these same news organizations when a young woman of color is murdered? Where is the outpouring at candle light vigils when that woman of color is murdered? Why is there no president at the college or university of that poor woman of color, leading a vigil? Why does it appear that women from money and good schools, matter more? Is it any less of a loss for a parent of an affluent white girl than a less for an affluent parent, particular the parent of a girl of color?

When will our news organizations, and our society learn to place equal value on any life lost? We claim to not be racist but flock to the murders or disappearances of white girls from "good" backgrounds but give only cursory notice or worse yet, ignore the reports on the young women, who by no fault of their own, failed to draw the "affluent" white girl card.

I want to scream "WAKE UP!" to the media and others. We have to learn to value all lives no matter race, wealth, or religion. We have to teach our children that the value of a person is not made up by how much money they make or how pretty they are, or what color they are, but in the fact that they are a human being, on this earth, trying to do the best they can.

I feel terrible for Yeardly's parents. But I feel no less terrible for all the other parents out there whose daughters have been murdered but who failed to get the "press."