Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Tasing Grandma and Suspending 6-Year-Old Boys

It must be time for me to truly quit watching the news. Many may remember or have seen the YouTube of the grandmother down in Texas who the cop pulled over to give a speeding ticket to. She resisted arrest and he tased her. The whole thing was caught on tape. First she refuses to sign the ticket. She is then seen refusing to follow instructions and he warns her that he is going to taze her. She dares him and he is left with really no choice, other than to do it. While tasering a little old lady looks pretty ridiculous, what would have been terrible is if this same little old lady did something to the cop, because he let his guard down, being deferential to her. She was on the Today show this morning talking about the $40,000 that she was given for her troubles. The department paid her off versus going to court because they thought $40,000 was a savings, given what the legal bills would be. Who knew we could hit the lottery so easily? A couple of shocks and you get $40,000.

Flip over to the 6-year-old boy who took his multipurpose camping tool to school to eat his lunch with. He ended up suspended and sentenced to 45 days at reform school. The great offense? The camping tool had a little knife on it to go with the fork, spoon, and bottle opener. Instead of just taking it away, sending a note home to mom and calling it a day; the school system gets up on its "Zero Tolerance" policy bandwagon and ends up looking ridiculous. The child was asked what he learned from all of this. I was hoping he would say that he learned that adults have lost their minds and he would like $40,000 for his troubles. Instead he was very gracious and offered up that he learned he should ask an adult whether he should bring something to school out of the ordinary.

So you tell me. Who would you rather meet on the street? Grandma who is disrespectful and so self rightous that she cannot just apologize to the cop and the world for putting his life and hers at risk, or a well armed 6-year-old who just wants to eat lunch?